Whether you drive an old Buick or a brand new SUV, keeping your vehicle going as long as possible can be quite simple. While in the middle of life’s daily hustle, you might be letting proper car care slide and, over the years, that will unnecessary wear and ultimately shorten the life of your ride.
Below are a few tips on getting the most longevity out of your vehicle!
You ought to have your car’s tires rotated when it goes in for servicing, but if you are off the warranty, you are on your own. Goodyear recommends having the job done every 3,000 – 6,000 miles. Be sure to check your owner’s manual for the figure the manufacturer suggests for your vehicle. If in doubt, once every six months is a good standard to follow.
When the temperature is below freezing, the idea of running your car’s air conditioner in the winter might sound terrifying, but it helps to keep your cooling system working for when you need it most – next summer! Without doing so, the moving parts may seize up and create costly malfunctions – come summertime.
Washing your car’s exterior is taken for granted, but opening the hood and washing the engine every few years is a way to prolong the life of the vehicle. Removing the sludge that accumulates on an engine’s exterior helps keep the parts from overheating, and allows them to move properly. Be sure to protect the air intake when you perform this task.
Over the years, coolant-antifreeze breaks down and becomes susceptible to contamination, which will shorten the life of your vehicle. Protect your radiator, keep your heater from failing, and assist in keeping your auto’s thermostat in working order by removing all old antifreeze from your car’s cooling system. Three years will be the breaking point for most antifreeze products, but it could happen sooner with cheap products.
Washing your car in winter can be a little intimidating, depending on the temperature outside. And sure enough, as soon as you have it clean, some car comes splashing through a frozen slush puddle and ruins it.
But be sure to wash in the winter. Washing in winter is about protecting your car from rust and corrosion. The salt and dirt from the road presents a big danger to your car’s undercarriage during the winter months. Routine washings will help you minimize this threat.
We hope these easy tips help you keep your vehicle running and looking like it did the day it left the showroom floor.
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